SpaceNews.comJason Rainbow

Evolving artificial intelligence capabilities in space reports: Executives discussing emerging space-based computing capabilities Sept. 20 called for stronger collaboration between policymakers and technology leaders to accelerate artificial intelligence’s societal benefits.


Today In Space

Last Updated: Friday, Sept. 20, 2024, 4:37 PM PDT

2024-09-20T16:37:01.619455-07:00 2024-09-20T16:37:01.619455-07:00 (2024-09-20T16:37:01.619455-07:00)

Leonard DavidLeonard David

China Space Plane: New Image Shows Delta-wing Design

By Leonard David: While that mysterious Chinese space plane rolled to full stop on a landing strip earlier this month, little is known about the craft.It was hurled into orbit on December 14, 2023 atop a Long March.
