Today In Defense
Last Updated: Monday, Feb. 10, 2025, 10:16 AM PST
2025-02-10T10:16:49.636150-08:00 2025-02-10T10:16:49.636150-08:00 (2025-02-10T10:16:49.636150-08:00)

US defense primes look abroad for bigger backlogs as overseas markets are expected to outpace domestic spending in near term
By Aviation Week: Despite uncertainty about the shape of the defense budget under the Trump administration, overseas markets are expected to outpace the U.S. in the near term.

Netherlands signs launch deal for eight Pilatus PC-7 MKX trainers
By FlightGlobal: Pilatus has secured the Royal Netherlands Air Force as the launch customer for its PC-7 MKX basic trainer, with the service to field an eight-strong fleet from later this decade.

Airbus Snags UK Synthetic Aperture Radar Program
By Aviation Week: Airbus has secured the deal to provide the British military with an SAR system as part of the UK’s effort to build up indigenous Earth-observation capacity.

UK MoD, making good on predecessor’s commitment, orders 2 radar sats from Airbus as part of $1.2B constellation

Airbus awarded Oberon satellites contract by UK MOD

Katie Bo Lillis identifies one big question about US using spy planes near Mexico border
By CNN: The US military has significantly increased its surveillance of Mexican drug cartels over the past two weeks, with sophisticated spy planes flying at least 18 missions over the southwestern US and in international airspace around the Baja peninsula, according to open-source data and three US officials familiar with the missions.

US Air Force Targets 100+ B-21 Raiders for Next-Gen Strategic Stealth Bomber Fleet
By armyrecognition.com: Exclusive: US Air Force Targets Up to 200 B-21 Raiders for Next-Gen Strategic Stealth Bomber Fleet.

NATO laggard Belgium vows defense boost with more F-35s, third frigate
By DefenseNews.com: “This will put an end to what I can safely call a ‘period of national disgrace,’" said Belgium's new defense minister, Theo Francken.

US Army plans three more PTS radar tests in support of C-UAS mission
By Unmanned Airspace: The US Army Space and Missile Defense Command’s (SMDC) Technical Center uses precision track and search (PTS) Ku-band interferometric radar systems to test counter-uncrewed aerial.