AVwebRuss Niles

Retired US Air Force Brigadier General Clarence Emil "Bud" Anderson Dies At 102. During WWII, he was the highest scoring flying ace in his P-51 Mustang squadron

AVweb reports: Triple ace and aviation legend Brig. Gen. C.E. Bud Anderson died Friday at his home in Auburn, California, at the age of 102. Anderson earned 16 kills in the European Theater during the Second World War and The New York Times says he was the last of the triple aces of his era.


Today In Defense

Associated Press

Hundreds pack funeral for Roger Fortson, the Black airman killed in his home by a Florida deputy

By Associated Press: Hundreds of Air Force members in dress blues have joined Roger Fortson’s family, friends and others at a suburban Atlanta megachurch to pay their final respects to the Black senior airman, who was shot and killed in his Florida home earlier this month by a sheriff’s deputy.

Drones   Israel  
Associated Press

Yemen's Houthi rebels claim shooting down another US MQ-9 Reaper drone as footage shows wreckage

By Associated Press: Yemen’s Houthi rebels have claimed the shooting-down of an American drone, hours after footage circulated online of what appeared to be the wreckage of an MQ-9 Reaper drone.

FlightGlobalGraham Dunn

Portugal formally selects military airfield site for new Lisbon international hub airport

By FlightGlobal: Portugal's government has selected the military airfield of Alcochete as the site for a new airport in Lisbon with the capability of meeting projected demand of 100 million passengers annually by 2050.
